Kazan Russia — a thousand-year Russian city

Kazan city, Tatarstan, Russia

Kazan city today

Kazan State University

Kazan city features photos and info

Kazan city hotels

Kazan city history

Tatars - the people of Kazan city

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Kazan city of Russia welcomes you

Kazan - famous Russian city, founded in 1005 - is standing for thousand of years at the confluence of the Kazanka river and the Volga river. The territory of Kazan Russia is the region of beautiful lakes and forests.

Kazan Russia pictures. Wooden bridge across the River Kazanka in the 19th century

Kazan Russia wooden bridge across Kazanka river

The Russian city Kazan belongs to the most weighty manufacturing and cultural cities of Russia. Kazan city history is closely connected with the history of civilisations of East and West. Kazan Russia is standing like the Eternal City of Rome on seven hills.

Old Kazan Russia. Engraving by A.Olearyi (1630)

Old Kazan Russia The year 1630 engraving

The proud people of Kazan city are the Kazan Tatars. Kazan city is the capital of Tatarstan republic (the administrative region of Russian Federation). Tatarstan republic is situated in the heart of Russia about 800 km east from Moscow city.

Kazan city and Tatarstan republic on the map of Russia

Kazan city and Tatarstan republic on Russia map

Tatars the people of Kazan city have their own language, culture, traditions and festivals. Kazan people have their own faith. But is should be mentioned that Tatars people past has been and remains closely connected with the history of Russia in sometimes dramatic and sometimes fateful way.

Kazan Russia views. Inside Kazan city Kremlin

Kazan Russia city Kremlin inside view

Kazan Russia views. The Azimov Mosque (1887)

Kazan Russia monuments - The Azimov Mosque

Kazan Russia population - 1,105,300 (2007).

Kazan Russia land area - 425.2 sq. km.

Kazan Russia calling code - +7-843.

Kazan Russia postal code - 420xxx.

Kazan Russia views. The Black Chamber (14th century)

Kazan Russia monuments - The Black Chamber

For more information about Russia you may visit the following Russian cities, towns and regions guidebook

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