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Kazan city hotels of medium prices Part 1

There are plenty of different hotels in Kazan city and I would like to name hotels of medium prices here. The prices are from November 2007 and in rubles (1 USD is about 23-24 Rub., 1 Euro is about 36-37 Rub.).

Kazan city "Novinka" Hotel

Number of rooms: 85. The date of building: 1st building - 1998, 2nd building - 2004. The address: Russia, Kazan, Korolenko Str., 30. The contact phone: +7-843-544-09-21. The price for single starts at 2300 rub./day.

Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Novinka Hotel 1st photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Novinka Hotel 2nd photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Novinka Hotel 3rd photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Novinka Hotel 4th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Novinka Hotel 5th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Novinka Hotel 6th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Novinka Hotel 7th photo

Kazan city "Boatswain House" Floating Hotel

Number of rooms: 8. The address: Russia, Kazan, Mehovshikov Str., 82a. The contact phone: +7-843-278-73-72. The price for single starts at 2200 rub./day.

Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Boatswain House Floating Hotel 1st photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Boatswain House Floating Hotel 2nd photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Boatswain House Floating Hotel 3rd photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Boatswain House Floating Hotel 4th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Boatswain House Floating Hotel 5th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Boatswain House Floating Hotel 6th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Boatswain House Floating Hotel Hotel 7th photo

Kazan city "Ryan Johnson" Hotel

Number of rooms: 37. The address: Russia, Kazan, Urickogo Str., 15. The contact phone: +7-843-555-25-55. The price for single starts at 2100 rub./day.

Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Ryan Johnson Hotel 1st photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Ryan Johnson Hotel 2nd photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Ryan Johnson Hotel 3rd photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Ryan Johnson Hotel 4th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Ryan Johnson Hotel 5th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Ryan Johnson Hotel 6th photo

Kazan city "Amaks Safar" Hotel

Number of rooms: 190. The address: Russia, Kazan, Odnostoronnaya Grivka Str., 1. The contact phone: +7-843-527-95-95, +7-843-527-96-96, +7-843-543-98-43, +7-843-292-00-46. The price for single starts at 2000 rub./day.

Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Amaks Safar Hotel 1st photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Amaks Safar Hotel 2nd photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Amaks Safar Hotel 3rd photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Amaks Safar Hotel 4th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Amaks Safar Hotel 5th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Amaks Safar Hotel 6th photo

Kazan city "Milena" Hotel

The address: Russia, Kazan, Tazi Gizzata Str., 19. The contact phone: +7-843-292-99-92, +7-843-292-77-00, +7-843-292-77-88, +7-843-292-51-15. The price for single starts at 1900 rub./day.

Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Milena Hotel 1st photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Milena Hotel 2nd photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Milena Hotel 3rd photo

Kazan city "Kolvi" Hotel

Number of rooms: 33. The address: Russia, Kazan, Hudyakova Str., 7. The contact phone: +7-843-292-28-48, +7-843-292-13-33. The price for single starts at 1800 rub./day.

Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Kolvi Hotel 1st photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Kolvi Hotel 2nd photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Kolvi Hotel 3rd photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Kolvi Hotel 4th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Kolvi Hotel 5th photo Kazan city hotels of medium prices - Kolvi Hotel 6th photo

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